This is Demo site for Testing and Training purpose

  • I WANT YOU ALL TO INSTALL Uttar Pradesh Purva Sainik Kalyan Nigam (UPPSKN) in public’s memory, an institution which has changed the lives of those who have used the services of this great organization. This would be possible only if they not only have peace of mind and sleep comfortably but also their gait should be confident and their faces smiling. For this, you need to have a different kind of orientation. One that is not only professional but also that is tuned in to the needs of user and understands current issues and has a practical result oriented approach.You should ,therefore, be always on your toes, keep yourself in know of things around you and adapt to the situation.
  • The ongoing security environment and ever increasing foul play by miscreants demand you to be more responsible and face these challenges boldly and squarely. You should build pressure on these antisocial elements by improving your alertness and security related skills and provide quality security services so as to strive towards an incident free assignment. The belief that you are the best would suffice to face any threat but has to be proved by your continuous dedication, sincerity self-belief and self sacrifice.
  • I want to remind you that deep in heart of every soldier is a strange mix of emotions,loyalty,discipline,duty and a question: What can I do to enhance safety and security of the organization. I am working for ? You are a special man with indefatigable spirits who pulls out all stops and protects the organization like your own child. You are the same soldier who has protected the national frontiers and has never hesitated to sacrifice even your life for the national cause. The nation has always held you in highest esteem and I am sure that you shall strive harder to take these emotions and public’s faith in you to greater heights and glory.

Peace of Mind

  • Despite being one of the primary needs for survival, “safety and security” is often taken for granted in urban India. However, with increase in rate of burglaries, theft and crime in metropolises across the country, especially with senior citizens and children tended to by household help, the real estate sector has witnessed a renewed awareness regarding safety and security.
  • The real estate sector in urban India has progressed exponentially with many new developments bringing in the best life-style facilities at par with international structures. There are a numbers of reasons for considering the adoption of well trained, experienced & disciplined security system.
    • Personal Safety and Security
      The security of one’s family and home is obviously the primary consideration. When thieves break into a home, the last thing they are concerned about is the safety of anyone in the home/office or the sanctity of their belongings. They are there for primarily one reason so it is imperative to be protected against events of such nature
    • Personal Property
      When times get tough like they are at present, there is typically a spike in the numbers of burglaries that occur. In fact, burglars tend to get rather bold and brazen in their attempts. Efficient security systems could protect one’s employees and family from total disregard of life and limb..
    • Stress Levels
      Studies indicate that the stress levels at both residences and office are greatly reduced when its occupants feel “safe and secure.”At offices, this translates into an increased efficiency in working while it helps maintain a harmonious atmosphere in home.
    • Peace of Mind
      Probably the most significant reason behind installing security systems, at least from a psychological stand point, it that one will have more peace of mind knowing that one’s family, employees and belongings are protected. One will be able to sleep at night because one is secure knowing that one will be alerted if an intruder breaks in.
  • The risk of crime is great in contemporary times and ensuring the protection of one’s self, family members, employees, property and other valuables in one of the primary concerns for most. Besides being highly affordable and bringing certain peace of mind that is invaluable, these systems are at best pragmatic solution on society’s age-old adage “Prevention is Better Than Cure.”
  • To cater for ibid security, there are numerous security agencies existing in the environment. Some in the unorganized sector (Private Security and others more organized and institutionalized like UP Purva Sainik Kalyan Nigam Limited, These private security agencies recruit raw youth from the area and employ them on meager salary without providing any credible security training. These untrained raw personnel then prove to be the weakest link when faced with acid test in actual situation needing their help and are more like erstwhile chaukidars.
  • Properly trained and institutionalized security agencies akin to ours have advantage as listed below. U.P. Purva Sainik Kalyan Nigam Limited scores above others since it employs ex-servicemen for’ security services and at best their wards and that too in very meager who are properly trained and qualified in all respects.
    • Trained and Disciplined Security
      The security personnel have all served in the armed forces of India for 18-25 years and are well trained and disciplined. Discipline being the hallmark of Indian Army. They carry their virtues to this organization, in addition to other’ traits special to the services like the unquestioned obedience orders, astute leadership and unblemished loyalty to the organizations they are serving in.
    • Deterrent to Bad Elements of Society
      Once it is known that security is being provided by well trained and disciplined ex-service personnel it acts as a positive as a positive deterrent to the anti social elements who will think twice since we shoot to kill.
    • Necessary Guidance in any Emergency
      The armed forces have specialists in all fields. On retirement these personnel are available to cater for any emergency which they have been dealing hither-to-fore e.g. Fire Fighting, Emergency First Aid, specialized vehicle drivers, Telephone/ Radio operator/repairman etc. Employing them brings multi-tasking to the fore in addition to specialized security.
    • Customized for Your Needs
      The security and other related services provided is duly customized to the needs of the organization. We are serving depending on its location and specialized requirements i.e. geographical or local needs.
    • Timely Assistance in an Emergency
      Foolproof security brings with it additional facilities like providing immediate medical help, calling an ambulance, ringing near & dear ones etc.
    • Helps in Investigation of Crimes
      We provide total assistance in lodging FIR and assist in investigation of crime. By nature, operating in unique areas and assisting in law and order situations during services. These personnel are well versed with various aspects of law and legal angles.
    • Unlike Private Security Agencies
      Money is not the aim but service is motto. Utilization of these personnel provides well versed experienced staff and in addition the national aim of providing re-employment to large number of ex-servicemen who are forced to retire at a very young age due to the need to keep a young army are also served.